Chess is not only a strategic game but filled with happiness and joy. Currently, the chess game that originated in the Asian region has spread all around the globe. Nowadays chess has dominated all the dimensions of indoor games.
You should have a chess set to play the world-famous indoor game “chess”; to have a competition, two players should exist. Apart from that, a beginner or a player should know how to align the chessboard properly because the entire game is based on this.
This context is a complete explanation of “how to set up a chessboard”.
Keep the chessboard in the correct position

A chessboard is equal in both length and width. It has sixty-four squares with eight squares on each side and the entire sixty-four squares consist of both light-colored and dark-colored squares. If you have seen a chessboard you might be familiar with the alignments of these squares.
There are numbers on one side of the board and letters on the other side. More simply, the ranks are identified by numbers and the files are identified by letters. Though the chessboard is square-shaped you cannot orient it as you wish. If the board is properly oriented, the bottom square of the right side should be either white or light-colored.
Set up the pawns in the proper rank

Once you oriented the board properly, you have to consider the locations of the pieces. The pawns are said to be the least valuable pieces. But the support that is provided by the pawns by acting as a defensive wall should be especially appreciated.
In a game, there are sixteen pawns in total and it is distributed among both the players according to the color. Anyhow a player will own eight pawns. In general, the pawns are moved first in order to clear the paths for the other powerful pieces. Getting those facts into considerations, the white or the light-colored pawns should set up at the 2nd rank while the black pawns at the 7th rank. When all the pawns are properly aligned, all the eight squares of the relevant rank should fill with a pawn.
Set up the rooks in the proper location

Rooks are known as one of the very important pieces. Especially because of the “Castling” rule. The rook is a piece that appears as a tower. As the appearance of the piece, it has placed at the corners of the chessboard as well. when you are setting the pieces of the board to remember to place the rooks at the four corners of the chessboard.
In a game, there are four rooks in total and according to the color each player owns two pieces. The light-colored rooks should place in the corners of the 1st rank while the dark-colored rooks should place at the corners of the 8th rank. More notational, light-colored rooks must be placed at both “a1” and “h1” squares; dark-colored rooks at “a8” and “h8” squares.
Set up the knights in the proper location

Knights are also known as powerful pieces with unique moving patterns. Unlike the other pieces, the knight makes motions like the letter “L”; two squares for straight direction and one square to a perpendicular direction. To make all these motions while the game is going on, you have to place these pieces properly before the game starts.
Totally, there are four knights and they are distributed among two players according to the color. The knights are placed next to the rook, at the file “b” and “g”. Notational wise, light-colored knights should be placed in both “b1” and “g1” squares. The dark-colored knights should set into “b8” and “g8” squares. Though the knights are behind the wall of pawns, no worries! Knights can jump over a piece.
Set up the bishops in the proper squares

Bishops are holding an equal value as same as the Knight. Bishops are placed between the knight and either King or Queen. The bishop between the knight and the king is known as kingside bishop and the bishop between knight and queen is known as queen-side bishop.
In the game there are four bishops in total and the pieces are allocated for both the players equally according to the color. According to the above explanation, file “c” and “f” becomes bishops’ home in the game. Square wise, light-colored bishops should place in both “c1” and “f1” squares while the dark-colored bishops should place in both “c8” and “f8” squares.
Set up the queen in the proper location

Unlike the other pieces, a player will own only one queen and a king. Totally, there are only two queens in the game including light-colored and dark-colored. Since all the above powerful pieces were placed on both black and white squares the player is capable of moving the relevant piece among both types of squares.
As there is only one queen, she should set in the same-colored square. In simple terms, the white/light-colored queen should place in a white/light-colored square and wise-versa. Technically, the light-colored queen’s position is “d1” and the dark-colored queen’s position is “d8”. If you have followed the above steps properly, all the pieces up to now should set as explained.
Set up the king in the proper location

Now there should be only one vacant square behind the defensive wall of pawns. Look into your remaining pieces! There should be only two Kings’ remaining. Place the king next to the queen on file “e”; White colored king on “e1” and black colored king on “e8”. Congratulations! You have placed your pieces properly.
Decide who’s going to start the game

In chess, always the game should start by moving a white piece. The players are able to decide the color, and the most famous method (when just playing for when, not in the chess tourments) is hiding a white pawn between the palm and letting your opponent choose it. If he couldn’t select properly, you become the opening player.