How Does the Knight Move in Chess?

Chess is identified as a strategic game and each piece of the game has different strategies. The Knight in the chess game represents a respected and honoured “Knight” in the real world. He is a humble and loyal soldier dedicated to the protection of the aristocracy.

Chess Knight

He is often referred to as the knight, also known as Neon, Jumper, Octopus, and horse. The top of the piece is engraved a horse and initially, it is located in either on file “b” or “g”. Knight can be identified as a piece with tricky movements and let’s see how knight makes his moves within the game.

Knight is the only piece that can move in two directions in the same move. It can move three squares at a time in the pattern of the letter “L“. It completes the permitted three squares by moving two squares in one direction and one square in the perpendicular direction. But the move should start by moving only in horizontal or vertical directions. Knight is always ending his move in the opposite colour square.

Chess Knight Move

Not only that, Knight is having another unique capability; Knight can jump over a piece and it is the only piece that holds this ability. Because of this special feature knights can be also used as opening pieces and enemy pieces are having only a very little chance to block the knight. He can easily jump over a piece and it leads to an easy escape. Due to the “L” angled moves, knights are having the superpower of blocking pieces of the opponent. It can jump over the piece and block the move of a piece. on the other hand, the knight.

The position of “The Awkward Knight”

Though the knight has a multi-talent as a fortune, sometimes the knight is getting stuck. “The Awkward night” is an above-mentioned type of scenario. In this situation, the knight is stuck because of his army. The player cannot capture any of his own pieces, so the knight has to be patient until the possible squares are getting vacant.

In general, the position of an awkward knight occurs when the knight reaches the corners of the chessboard. It is better to circulate the knight in the middle part of the chessboard and it will allow the player to obtain more advantages from the knights.

Capturing a Piece with the Knight

Knight can capture any piece of the opponent which are in his moving direction. Though the knight is possible to jump over a piece, he can only capture a piece that is in his landing square.

He can have sequential captures in corresponding moves with his moving pattern as an octopus. Once the knight enters the opponent’s area, he can destabilize the entire court of the enemy with these sequential captures.

As same as the other pieces knight also gets attacked by the enemy army. So, the player must be aware of the moves of the knight. Moving the knights around the board wisely can create magic in the game!

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