Though the word “chess” is frequently heard, chess is not a game with a limited scope. There is a massive area to learn about chess. In the beginning, a player should identify the pieces and the moving patterns of each piece, a player should know how to set up a chessboard properly, and essentially, a player should be familiar with the strategies of the game.
While talking about the strategies of chess, the chess tips and tricks should be specially considered. If you want to be a better player, this context would be an originating point. Let’s have a look what are the exciting tips and tricks of chess!

- Set up the board properly and try to play lots of review games of chess. Try to observe the world-famous chess games and the moving patterns of each game. Especially, study famous chess tactics.
- While you are practicing, try to use all the pieces. Move then them in different patterns. Do not stick to a memorized gaming pattern. If you want to be a super player this should be necessarily practiced. You should identify how to develop all the pieces as the battle becomes teamwork.
- The chess game is a full package of imagination and thinking. Chess has been identified as an IQ-developing game. To be a good chess player, practice expanding your imagination. The standard recommendation for beginners is to solve puzzles. It improves your imagination level.
- Try to memorize the basic rules and checkmating patterns. Sometimes you will lose your game by a single mistake. It would be very hard to create the same kind of situation in the game. The more you practice, the more you remember the rules and techniques.
- Always arrange a plan for the game. Predict and imagine few moves ahead, that build your mindset to play more comfortably.
- In the opening, try to develop a pawn move first, then a knight, bishop, and rook respectively.
- Do not circulate the same piece many times. But you should remember if you are in danger, these repetitive moves would help you to claim a draw. On the other hand, a player should be wise enough to avoid repetition moves of the opponent.
- Do not sacrifice many pieces at the opening. The opening is an aligning mechanism. The player should develop the pieces quickly in an efficient way as a precaution for the battle. On the other hand, if a player is sacrificing many pieces, he will be checkmate quickly.
- In general, Developing the queen at the beginning will not be beneficial. She should be steady for the critical events of the battle.
- always try to ignore attacking pawns by the queen at the initial part of the game. Be wise! Those pawns might be a part of a trap.
- Don’t try to sacrifice pieces so early. Then it might drag you to a situation where you would suffer from insufficient pieces. You will be unable to checkmate the opponent king; be careful!
- Do not hesitate to attack the queen of the opponent. Queen is one of the most important pieces. Her contribution becomes the backbone of the game. By trapping the opponent’s queen, a player can severely affect the opponent.
- No doubt chess is a strategic game! Always try to force the opponent to make the move that you expect. If the opponent is not making the expected move, try to change your plan quickly.
- Ensure the security of your king. The chess game is all about the security of the king. Once the king is checkmate; game over! Consider this fact and always put your king in a safe square.
- If you have sufficient materials, try to block the opponent’s important squares. Always try to pack the most important squares of the opponent by your pieces.
- The central part is the most important part of the chessboard. Developing the pieces on the center should be done wisely. The efficiency of the battle is decided by the effective way you develop the pieces in the middle part of the board.
- Since pawns cannot move in the reverse direction, before completing a pawn move a player should think twice.
- Keep in mind that pawns in the center of the board are stronger in the middle game. But in the end game, those ones become weaker.
- In general, the knights are known as strong pieces at the center part of the board. Bishops on the flank.
- Though the rook and bishop are equally valued, the performance of the bishop would worth much within the game.
- Have you ever heard a rule called “Pawn promotion”? Commonly, in this kind of situation players promotes a pawn to a queen. But what will happen if a player promotes a pawn to a rook? If the rooks are doubled, the power of a player becomes trice.
- Identify the best situations to end the game by a draw. Do not allow the opponent to promote the pawn into any other powerful piece. If you are unable to win with a promoted piece, try to end the game in a draw.
- At the endgame, the contribution of a rook is equal to the contribution of a pawn.
- The best position for a rook is either 1st or 2nd rank from the player’s perspective. If you are the white player 1st or 2nd rank; If you are the black player 7th or 8th rank.
- Never underestimate or overestimate the power of the opponent. For sure it will be very difficult to assume that the opponent is powerful because every player’s determination is to win the game. But considering the opponent’s potentials will lead a player to defend the pieces.
- If you have faced sequential losses, do not discourage! You are a beginner. Try to understand the mistakes you made during those games. Practice hard!