Chess is the most strategic board-based game in the world. Aside from its strategical concepts and flow, it contains more fascinating and inspiring dramatic facts than most beginners are aware of. Chess professionals are enthralled by and fascinated by these extraordinary, unbelievable facts.
A chess stalemate is one of the most amazing things that can happen in a chess game. Therefore, stalemate is one of the most important concepts to comprehend.

What Is the Chess Stalemate?
The conclusion of a chess game has three options, such as a win, a loss, or a draw. A draw is a situation where neither side enjoys a win or a loss. The chess stalemate is a type of drawing that occurs when a player is not checked, but there are no legal moves to continue the game.
If you are interested to know why the chess stalemate is drawn instead of win, read this interesting thread.
The term “check” is used to emphasize that the king is being threatened. Once the king becomes completely threatened with no escape or no guard, it is known as “Checkmate.” However, moving a piece without dropping the king into a threat is known as a legal move.
Consider the following scenario: the white player’s king is stuck in the h1 square, while the black queen is in the f2. The king has not been checked out in this case. The only movable squares for the white king are g1, g2, and h2. But all those positions are subject to a check. Therefore, the game ends in a stalemate draw since there are no legal moves for the white player.

Stalemates usually occur when there aren’t enough pieces for both players to continue the game. For instance, if the white player has enough pieces, he can easily win the game by checkmating the opponent.
On the other hand, if the black player has enough pieces, he is able to take the game further. However, players should be strategic, at least to avoid a loss by forcing a draw.
Therefore, a stalemate is one of the best options for entering into a draw. On the other hand, a player who is very close to victory should be tricky enough to avoid his opponent trying for a stalemate draw.
How to Avoid a Stalemate?
To avoid a stalemate draw, there are several methods. Initially, the player should understand the rules of a stalemate to avoid its occurrence. As the next step, you should be aware of the conduct of the opponent. While observing the opponent’s movements, you will be able to gain a good understanding of his intentions.
Corner stalemate draws are recorded as the majority of stalemate draws. When the king is caught in the corner of the board, it is called a Corner Stalemate (as explained in the previous example).
If you place the queen or any other chess piece in such a way that the opponent has no lawful (legal) moves, you may end up with a stalemate draw. Therefore, the best way to avoid a stalemate is to set your pieces in such a way that the opponent has adequate room to make legal moves.
At least you should leave two possible squares to move. It enables the players to carry on with the game. Especially to the weaker player to try out for another few moves. If you are the most powerful player in the game, it is in your best interest to avoid a stalemate.